Sunday, April 25, 2010

One Long Night

Well we finally had a difficult night with Isabella. On days I go to Logan I know that that night is going to be rough because it's a hard day for her, but nothing has ever compared to last night. Poor little girl must have had an upset belly or something because from 10:30 - 2 she cried almost none stop unless we were holding her, or she was eating. This morning we both struggled to get out of bed, but all I had to do was see her sleeping and I couldn't be upset or frustrated. While we were getting her ready for church Kyle said something like, "You kept Mom and Dad up all night didn't you?" She got the biggest smile on her face as if to say "Yes I did but look how cute I am". She is so much fun, but I'm hoping she doesn't make this a habit, haha.


Bobbi and Tyrel said...

Ha Ha ha ha! Don't bet on it being your last tough night. Don't worry though, some night in the future you will look back and think, "Jeez, that night was a breeze compared to this one!"

AnDe said...

Haha! That's funny about her smiling at you the next morning. Sounds like she's got a sense of humor :-)

Unknown said...

I wish that Bowen would get fussy from 10:30 to 2:00. You were lucky! Bowen stays up all night! He never sleeps!