Monday, February 22, 2010

What's New

So I figured I'd do a quick update on what is new with us. First things first, I'm getting big and to the uncomfortable point where I am ready to be done, haha. And we're both excited to get her here. Kyle has discovered one of his new favorite past times of, when she's awake, poking her and making her kick him or try hitting him (he particularly enjoys doing this at church). We went to the doctor today and found out that I am 1.5 dilated and 50% ephased. We're hoping she comes a little before her due date but we'll see; she might develop to be like me and decide she doesn't want to come.

We are getting ready to move and hopefully will be able to soon. There are some problems with one of our neighbors in our apartment building and we don't feel comfortable staying here anymore, especially for when Isabella gets here. We will be moving to the new housing in Garden City for at least the summer because Kyle is having a hard time finding a job over here in Logan, but we plan on coming back before too long.

Kyle is doing great in school and is really enjoying his classes but is reconsidering teaching and is thinking about doing something else. If he can pass the physical, he is planning on trying for the highway patrol...quite opposite what we were thinking.

As for me, well, I'm enjoying my work...some days(which I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad. I don't know if I should feel guilty for enjoying calling people and asking them to take surveys). My supervisors have discovered a talent I didn't know I had. I am one of the few people that can keep farmers and ranchers on the phone for 20 minutes answering questions about their cows, crops, or what have you. Being raised in Rich County really paid off. One of my supervisors even pointed out that I develop a slight "hick" accent while talking to these men.

We really didn't do much for Valentine's Day but are excited because at the Chocolate Festival in Garden City, his parents won us a night stay at the Bluebird Inn. Saturday was kind of our Valentine's Day. Kyle brought me lunch to work (even though I allowed to go home early right when he got there) and he also brought me flowers. We ended up going to Hardware Ranch that afternoon and watched the elk and went to the visitor center. Kyle saw some kids sliding down the hill on their bums so he thought he better try it. It was quite amusing to watch. I have a video of it but he has refused to let me post it. He is such a little kid sometimes, that I'm not sure whether to be happy about it or nervous, all I know is that our kids will definantly have a playmate. After that we wandered around the big Wal-Mart for a while and then went to Percy Jackson: The Lightning Theif (not my idea but out of the movies playing at the time, it was our best choice).

Anyway, I'm sure that's enough about us. Hopefully our next update will include a new baby.


AnDe said...

Sounds like all sorts of fun stuff! And congrats on winning a night stay at the Bluebird - should be a nice little get away!