Kyle's dad also recorded some parts of the play and put them on youtube so either you can go to youtube and look up kyle spuhler beauty and the beast or I have attached links to the videos. I think my video of him singing Me was a little better because I was closer to him and had a little more light.
3 years ago
We'll have to check it out! Go Kyle! :)
Hey Shanna,
It is completely healthy. It just flushes out the toxins we accumulate and gives our bodies the nutrients it needs.... Helps our bodies to better repair itself and maintain health. I wouldn't do it if it wasn't healthy. I would get discouraged usually with other diets because I wouldn't loose the weight I wanted and wasn't fixing the root of the problem. With Isagenix, it's a life-style change... You only cleanse 1-2 days then do the rest (depending on a 9 or 30 day) of the days replacing meals with shakes. You choose which meal you want then the other two is a meal replacement. Or if you're just looking to get healthy and not necessarily loose a ton of weight then you can just do the cleanse and meal replacements as you wish. If you have any more questions, I'd love to answer them.
On another subject, how are you? You looked great at the musical. I wasn't close enough to say hi.. But hope you're doing great and the wedding plans are going good. :o)
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